Posts Tagged ‘procrastination’

Procrastination can be the single biggest roadblock to success, after laziness and pure lack of ambition of course. Procrastination can be a guilt invoking habit that seems insurmountable for most. Sometimes the long-term benefit just doesn’t seem as appealing as the very immediate pleasure of putting the activity off for a few days, months or years. However, we’ve all been in a situation where procrastination has left us in a precarious position. Well if you’re ready for change, then its time to stop procrastinating. As I always say, in order to succeed you have to put yourself in the best position to be successful. That being said, here are some tips to help overcome those stubborn procrastinatory habits…

Tips to alleviate the likelihood of Procrastination:

1. Get someone else, preferably a friend, involved. If you have a task you’re reluctant to undertake, invite someone else to help you. It’s harder to procrastinate when others are involved.

2. Provide yourself with reinforcement. You’re much more likely to finish your task if you have something special to reward yourself with after.

3. Reenergize. Maintain good sleeping and dietary habits and you will have more energy to complete tasks.

4. Multitask – mix the less fun activity with an activity you like. Ex: watch that DVD you’ve been meaning to watch while cleaning he house.

5. Prioritize – organize your life and activities by importance; if the task isn’t paramount, don’t stress over it or let it hang over your head.

6. Envision the end result. What will be the outcome of the task? What will it mean to you? How will you benefit from it?

Use these 6 tips to help weed procrastination out of your lifestyle. As the old idiom goes, “don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today.” After all, yesterday you said tomorrow…